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Banner Exchanges

   In order to bid you must first register to become a member.  Choose a new user name or "handle" which you can easily remember.  Next fill in your email address along with your other contact information.  You will receive an email confirming that your membership was approved; this email will include your personal password.
    Once you become a member search through our site and find an auction item that you wish to bid on.  Once you find an item title that interests you, push its link to go directly to that auction .  At the bottom of that page you will find a "Place a Bid" prompt.  Type in your handle, password, and the bid that you are willing to pay if you are the auction winner.  
    Warning to all bidders:  Our auction site is set up so that the bid you give (if higher than the present bid) will become the high bid.  Please read a further example of this-
READ>>>Card "X" has a bid of $25 on it.  The auction prompter states that a minimum bid of $27.50 must be placed in order for you to become high bidder.  You realize that this card is worth $100 and you would have no problem buying it for $75.  If you bid $75, your actual bid is $75 and not $27.50.  Please take this into consideration when bidding.  We will not be held responsible for your bidding practices.  In order for you to keep good standing with members of this site please cover your bids!<<<READ



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